Sunday, October 18, 2009

finding new rythms

Dear Universe:

Thank you for the chance to get to know your parents better. Sometimes theyre sweeter and cooler than you ever thought.
Thank you for nieces that make you laugh till you have to run for the bathroom.
Thank you for someone fixing something of mine and asking for nothing but a hug in return.
Thank you for being alone in the house and being able to cry and 'get it out' and no one asking you what's wrong or having to put it into words.
Thank you for silly dogs...god I love my dog and my mother's Wolfhounds.

Thank you for being able to sew...its therapeutic and I can add that to 'mah skills' list.
Thank you for 'cleaning' being something that I can use to deal with anger, frustration, and general piss-offed-ness.


trejos-comics said...

Hi ... Is this your dog? ... esta muy bonito ... :)
greetings from the emerald land.

"Kate Asaurus Rex" said...

Hi! the wolf hound isna mah dog. I have pics of my mothers' wolfies I need to download.
The petey-dog is mine. LOL.