Friday, August 26, 2011

so many things so much to say

Dear Universe:
It has been over a year since I wrote on this blog.
Many people have probably stopped reading it (since there was nothing to read) or un-subscribed; that's okay. I think the best part about blogging isn't the responses but getting things out there; and in writing. Being able to read older things and learn about yourself is important.
  • I have left the city where I lived recently. Besides family-there was nothing there for someone without children above 25 yrs old, and no alimony to blow every weekend)
  • I left the job that was probably killing me; inside and out.
  •  I am not dating because it seemed to make me crazy and less inclined to improve myself.
  • I am working in the industry I have always wanted to work in. It is great (except for some of the coworkers [but hey; who hasn't felt that way before?]). While I may not be able to get far in this job; I am learning networking from friends that would startle most socioeconomic figure heads in the area. That seems to be how you find out where the really high paying jobs are that have promotion probability. I want to be nominally happy in what I do for a living but I need it to pay damn more than what I have been earning.
  • Ive decided to pick up an extra job. I want to pay off my car and repair it before it hits 100,000 mi. I would love to find a mechanic that would give me the service manual so I can REALLY familiarize myself with my car and get my head above water financially without a car payment for at least a year. Then I'd like to buy something for cash that gets much better gas mileage.
  • The big picture is to be out of debt by 40 yrs old with much better credit to qualify for a house in this city/the area.
  • I still feel that I chose my new city well. I like the 'vibe' but the dating scene has some ugly gremlins. While there are lots of men...most of them seem to want a young, firm little co-ed for dating. I cant fault them for looking for young and cute- were' all human (some more shallow than others). I can fault them for trying to press their requirements on me. I don't fit into your perfect little pattern?-then don't string me along. I am learning to recognize and get rid of men that are not good for me/for anything .
  • I'm learning that friends are much more important than I ever imagined. Some have stuck to me closer than what some people have for family. When you disappear and 'change your playground' you really find out who your friends are. Those that keep up with you are the ones you should cherish.
  • I have signed up for a local 5k coming up and also for a half marathon coming up. Ive been walking and jogging off and on for the last 8/6 mos and feel I can probably excel at this particular exercise. So far I enjoy it and once and a while I will do races and try to keep it fun. A group of friends are sponsoring me this time and I am humbled/very happy.
  • I miss my family very much but feel that I cannot go back to see them without accomplishing a little more. Maybe Christmas or Thanksgiving at the soonest. I don't think they love me less at where I am now but it would be nice to make them more comfortable with my accomplishments than uncomfortable empathizing about my woes.
- To my remaining followers or those who's blogs I follow: I hope you are all well and that things are going good in your lives.

Love and Light!
(credit for illustration to yuumei> Wenqing Yan)

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